
October 2017: ROFR and Resale Data

By Kristen Tutas / November 7, 2017

Below you will find DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR) and resale data from offers that were accepted and sent to ROFR during the month of October. This month we had a total of 5 buybacks, up from zero in September. Disney has been quicker, taking only about 2 weeks lately to make their ROFR decision after contracts have been submitted to them for review. We are still waiting on sales that were submitted the last week of October and will update accordingly.

There were no significant changes in October as sale prices seem to be remaining pretty steady. Contract sizes sold in October ranged from 25 points up to 500 points with the most common amount of points purchased being 160 points. Almost 1/3 of total sales this past month were small point contracts (100 points or less) which attributed to higher average prices at some of the resorts like Beach Club, Boardwalk and Vero Beach.


Animal Kingdom $105 270 points @$90
210 points @ $105
Aulani $88
Bay Lake Tower $129  160 points @ $115
Beach Club Villas $133**
Boardwalk Villas $137**
Grand Californian $148
Grand Floridian $140
Hilton Head $76
Old Key West (2042) $83 150 points @ $82
210 points @ $77
Old Key West (2057)  —
Polynesian  $153
Saratoga Springs $95
Vero Beach $80**
Wilderness Lodge $93

**Beach Club, Boardwalk and Vero Beach average prices are up substantially due to an influx of small point contracts selling for “top dollar.”

NOTE: Average sale price is based on total monthly sales for each resort, regardless of contract size. Typically, smaller point contracts sell for around $10-$15 per point higher than average due to high demand and low inventory. Sale prices below do not include closing costs or annual dues as those are separate features typically paid by the buyer.

If you have any questions about Disney’s ROFR or want more details on a particular sale please email us at or call 866-544-2919.

Click here for more DVC ROFR data

Posted By:

Kristen Tutas

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